"Never Fold" isn't just a clothing brand; it's a movement rooted in resilience and remembrance. Inspired by the struggles and strength of growing up in Newark, New Jersey, our apparel tells the story of overcoming trauma, embracing our roots, and honoring the legacies of those we've lost. The brand is a tribute to the enduring spirit of communities that face adversity, a reminder to stay vigilant, and a call to never back down from life's challenges—unless it's to uplift.
Our tagline, “Never Fold, Unless It’s Paper,” captures the ethos of hustling with integrity, pushing forward no matter the odds, and finding value in the struggle. Dedicated to the memory of my late uncle, whose wisdom shaped this journey, and my grandmother, whose battle with lung cancer fueled my fight for environmental justice, this brand amplifies the voices of those in urban and low-income communities who live with the impact of systemic neglect.
More than just fashion, Never Fold is a testament to survival, advocacy, and standing up for the right to take up space unapologetically. Every piece embodies a story of resistance, crafted to inspire those who wear it to rise above, while advocating for a world where the air we breathe is clean, the streets we walk are safe, and our communities thrive.
~ Fajr Kegler